Ribbit! Here comes hopping the frog knitted coin purse. Well, not exactly hopping, but now it’s here anyhow! What I love about this frog coin purse is that his mouth is where the zipper is! So you can literally open and close the mouth by zipping it open and close.
I must admit knitting this project was extremely fun and exciting for me. This is because I used beads [/column] (I never used beads before and usually this would be impossible as it’s not baby safe, but now, it doesn’t need to be as a purse is never meant for babies!)
Rest assured, I am really new with beads so there is no hard techniques involved here, just very simple stringing the beads with your sewing threads and needle then sewing them in place. I just thought they will be something new other than the usual embroidery I did. Hope you like the change! 😉
Out of the whole project, it took me the longest time deciding on the buttons I wanted for the eyes & the zipper colours! I had 3 different buttons for the eyes, and 4 different coloured zippers! Tossing and turning between them, before finally deciding on this one. This particular combination somewhat resembles Kero Keroppi anime cartoon character, if you don’t know Kero Keroppi, it’s basically a really cute frog cartoon character.
I’ve put the difficulty down as Intermediate, but this pattern is bordering Easy. You are knitting everything with straight needles and the trickiest part is knitting the eyes. I will write the knitting pattern in great details and explain things as much as I can. If you need help, just let me know and I will help the best I can!
Difficulty Level:
Skills Required:
CO: Cast On
K: Knit
P: Purl
St St: Stockinette Stitch
SSK: Slip Slip Knit
M1L: Make 1 stitch Left increase
M1R: Make 1 stitch Right increase
K2tog: Knit 2 stitches as 1 together
P2tog: Purl 2 stitches as 1 together.
P2tog tbl: Purl 2 stitches as 1 together through the back loop
BO: Bind Off
Finished Size: approx. 8.5cm tall x 10cm width at largest point (Please note that this size is made with the needles & yarn specified below, different yarns and needles size will produce different results)
Straight Needles: US 2½ – 3.0 mm
Lincraft Superwash 8ply in 3005 (dye lot #774749)
Not important as it doesn’t need to fit. *Tips* Select slightly smaller needles for the recommend size yarn for sturdier purse
Facial Features:
2x buttons of your choice for eyes
scraps of pink thread & pink beads for cheek
Other Materials:
Tapestry needle
Sewing needle
Crown charm for the end of the zipper (As I was browsing eBay for my Crown Charm, I came upon this shop. I was soo close to buying this lovely golden cross crown but I was impatient to wait for it to arrive. The shop is located in the U.S, so if you are from America you might want to check it out!)
Red Satin fabric lining
Black zipper
Red thread for sewing fabric lining
Green thread for sewing buttons
Gold thread for sewing charm
Free Frog Coin Purse cute knitting patterns:
Body (back side):
Starting from the bottom, CO 30 sts.
Row 1: K
I like to slip my 1st stitches to create a nice even edge which also makes it easier for seaming later on.
Row 2: Slip 1st stitch Purl wise, then P until end of row.
Row 3: Slip 1st stitch Knit wise, then K until end of row.
Repeat Row 2 & 3 until Row 10. So you will be working with the St St and at row 10, you will finish with Purl.
Row 11: Slip 1st stitch Knit wise, SSK, K24, K2tog, K1 (28 sts total)
Row 12: Slip 1st stitch Purl wise, then P until end of row.
Row 13: Slip 1st stitch Knit wise, then K until end of row.
Row 14: Slip 1st stitch Purl wise, then P until end of row.
Row 15: Slip 1st stitch Knit wise, SSK, K22, K2tog, K1 (26 sts total)
Row 16: Slip 1st stitch Purl wise, then P until end of row.
Row 17: Slip 1st stitch Knit wise, then K until end of row.
Row 18: Slip 1st stitch Purl wise, then P until end of row.
Row 19: Slip 1st stitch Knit wise, SSK, K20, K2tog, K1 (24 sts total)
Row 20: Slip 1st stitch Purl wise, then P until end of row.
Row 21: Slip 1st stitch Knit wise, SSK, K18, K2tog, K1 (22 sts total)
Row 22: Slip 1st stitch Purl wise, then P until end of row.
Row 23: Slip 1st stitch Knit wise, SSK, K16, K2tog, K1 (20 sts total)
Row 24: Slip 1st stitch Purl wise, then P until end of row.
Row 25: BO
Cut yarn.
Body (front side):
To knit the front side, repeat the pattern for the back side above from Row 1 – Row 24. But instead of binding off at row 25, we want to make the eyes. Right now you have 20 sts total in your needle, we will be working on these live stitches separately. We will start with the first 8 stitches to form the first eye.
To knit the first eye:
Step 1: Slip 1st stitch Knit wise, K7.
Step 2: turn your needle around, Slip 1st stitch Purl wise, P7
Step 3: you are now back at the beginning, turn your needle around, Slip 1st stitch Knit wise, M1L, K6, M1R, K1 (10 sts total)
Step 4: turn your needle around, Slip 1st stitch Purl wise, P9
Step 5: you are now back at the beginning, turn your needle around, Slip 1st stitch Knit wise, K9
Step 6: turn your needle around, Slip 1st stitch Purl wise, P9
Step 7: you are now back at the beginning, turn your needle around, Slip 1st stitch Knit wise, SSK, K4, K2tog, K1 (8 sts total)
Step 8: turn your needle around, Slip 1st stitch Purl wise, P2tog tbl, P2. P2tog, P1 (6 sts total)
Step 9: you are now back at the beginning, turn your needle around, Slip 1st stitch Knit wise, SSK, K2tog, K1 (4 sts total)
Step 10: turn your needle around, P2tog tbl, P2tog (2 sts total)
Step 11: you are now back at the beginning, turn your needle around, K2tog (1 st remaining)
You are now at the top and just finished shaping the eyes. You now want to bring that last live stitch down so it’s not so far away from all the remaining stitches. To do this, you will pick 5 stitches on the left edge and everytime you pick a stitch and you have 2 live stitches on the right needle, you will pass one stitch over so there is only 1 live stitch remaining at all times. I was having too much fun knitting and forgot to record a video as I was doing this. *Oops* But luckily, this technique is similar to one of the video I did earlier in my Strawberry Keychain pattern. So you can refer to this video if you need help understanding the process. 🙂
Once you reach the bottom, BO 4 sts until you have 8 live stitches remaining. Now you are ready to do the second eye! To do the second eye:
Step 1: (Skip slipping the 1st stitch as you already have the first stitch on your right needle). K7
Repeat Step 2 – 11.
When you are at the top, you now want to bring that last live stitch down by picking stitches from the right edge instead of the left so the eye will mirror each other.
Making up Step-by-Step: (*Important* Before you join the pieces together, block all knitted materials. To block, simply spray lightly with cold water and block materials into shape and pin them to a towel and leave them to dry.)
- Sew beads for cheek using 2 strands of pink thread
- Sew the buttons for eyes using 2 strands of green thread
- Cut 2x fabric linings to the same shape as the back side of the body, but make the length of the bottom slightly longer as it will need to be sewn to the zipper.
- Overlock the fabric linings
- Shorten the zipper if you need to, but don’t cut it off yet. (from here on, refer to video below)
- Using 2 strands of red thread sew both fabric linings to the zipper
- With the zipper on the wrong side and the fabric lining right side is outside, using 2 strands of red thread, whipstitch the zipper area over and over to secure it.
- Turn so the zipper is on the right side and the fabric lining wrong side is outside, using 2 strands of red thread, sew the 3 remaining sides using running back stitch.
- If you haven’t done so earlier, weave all ends of our knitted green frog.
- Time to sew both of the knitted green frog to the zipper using 2 strands of green thread.
- Finally, sew the remaining 3 sides shut using 2 strands of green thread, being careful not to sew the fabric lining by accident.
Video Tutorials: Step 5 to Step 11
Crown Charm:
Use 4 strands of gold embroidery thread, string beads of your choice and attach the end to the zipper and secure tight.
We are done! As usual I will post all videos at later date. Lots for me to do now.. Time to design a new knitting pattern, while trying to catch up on the video tutorials *Eeepp*! I am thinking to do a Christmas theme for the next one. 🙂 Until next time.. Enjoy and Happy Knitting!
Video Tutorials on Making Up the Frog Coin Purse
9/12/12: video tutorials on how to add the beads for cheek uploaded
12/12/12: video tutorials on how to make bead crown accessories uploaded
17/12/12: video tutorials steps 5 to 11 uploaded
Feel free to link to this pattern by linking directly to this page. Pattern is not to be copied or reproduced without permission from the author. Items made from my pattern may be sold (as long as you credit me as the designer and always link it back to this blog “FreeCuteKnit.com” ), however this does not apply to business or corporation. Please contact me prior selling them at large scale. © Dina Wirawan
Remember, if you do make the frog coin purse, I would love it if you can share them with me by either sending me the photos via email for a chance to be published in the blog / tag me on Facebook / upload them in my Ravelry
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